Information clauses

In connection with the obligations under Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016. on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and the repeal of Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation), hereinafter: “RODO”, we would like to provide you with basic information about the use of personal data for specific (indicated below) categories of individuals.

Regardless of the category of data subjects, the Data Controller of all personal data within the meaning of the RODO is. jointly the companies of the Smithfield Poland Group, bound by a joint administration agreement hereinafter: the Joint Administrators. An excerpt from the agreement in question is posted here here . It is these entities that jointly determine the purposes and means of processing personal data for particular categories of people.

[Dane kontaktowe] The joint controllers have designated the following point of contact for data subjects: Smithfield Poland Data Protection Office: ul. Chałubińskiego 8, 00 – 613 Warsaw, e-mail address:;

[Inspektor] The Joint Administrators, for the purpose of ongoing monitoring of proper compliance with data protection rules, have appointed a Personal Data Inspector. He can be contacted electronically by sending a message to:;

Information clauses for specific categories of persons:
1. Information clause for pig/poultry farmers ,
2. Information clause for suppliers of feather raw material ,
3. Information clause for drivers ,
4. Information clause for contractors ,
5. Information clause for employees ,
6. Information clause for job applicants and cooperation ,
7. Information clause for recipients of electronic correspondence ,
8. Information clause for those who have consented to marketing activities ,
9. Information clause for contractors ,
10. Information clause for visitors of the plant ,
11. Information clause for bidders of goods and services ,
12. Information clause for suppliers of grain and feed components ,
13. Information clause for representatives of contractors ,
14. Information clause for contact persons, contractor’s sales representatives and executive personnel ,
15. Information clause for participants in the circulation of correspondence (recipients and addressees). ,
16. Information clause for journalists ,
17. Information clause about the controller of personal data in the recruitment process .

Notwithstanding the posting of the aforementioned information clauses on the website, the Joint Administrators implement the information obligations under the RODO on a continuous basis in direct contact with data subjects.