Information about the conclusion of a co-administration agreement

Until now, each company in the Smithfield Poland Group has independently administered the personal data of its employees, customers and clients, as well as taking care of its security. However, due to the change in regulations and the entry into force of RODO, they have decided to join forces and create common rules for the protection and processing of personal data. And all this is done to standardize the rules for processing personal data, as well as to increase its security.

On May 18, 2018. companies forming part of the Smithfield Poland Group ( list of joint controllers of personal data in the Smithfield Poland Group ) have entered into an agreement in which they agreed to jointly determine the purposes and means of processing personal data held by them. Thus, they became Joint Controllers of the personal data collected and processed by each company. The primary purpose of the agreement in question was to regulate comprehensively and comprehensively the duties of the joint controllers both internally – towards each other – and externally – in relation to data subjects and supervisory authorities. This allows the Smithfield Poland Group’s data protection policy to become even more transparent and effective.

If you are interested in the contents of the above. agreements, at this link link you can read an excerpt of it.

On June 01, 2020. due to the intra-group merger of companies under Art. 492§1pkt 1 of the Commercial Code, there has been a change in the scope of one of the Joint Administrators of Personal Data included in the Smithfield Poland Group. The new Joint Controller of Personal Data is: Animex Foods sp. z o.o. Accordingly, a new co-administration agreement has been signed. The list of companies in the Smithfield Poland Group has been updated.